European Association for Paediatrics Education (AEEP/EAPE) in association to Frontiers in Nutrition, invite all Scientists, Nutritionists, Dieticians, IBLC, Paediatricians, Obstetricians, Human Milk Bank Workers, Midwifes and Nurses to the annual Web congress “Pediatrics Web Congress” on 3rd and 4th of October 2024. The theme of the conference is HUMAN MILK, NUTRITION, and INFANT DEVELOPMENT.
AEEP is for a long time an affiliated society of the European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP) and this congress is supported by the EAP and its President Pr Bertold Koletzko, who will publicize it on their website. We'll also be posting conference replay and texts on our website (
I'm working
with a conference organization that I'll be contributing to: Confrontiers,
which will organize the event.
The aim of
this Congress is to present up-to-date original research or review conferences
to compile a compendium of the properties of breast milk from each component on
the nutrition, immunity, and development of the child.
We propose a list of talks for each component of breast milk, considering their origin and structure, methods of measurement, the levels defining the nutritional needs of the child, their physiological role in the development of the child. This Research Topic welcomes original research and review conferences (30’+10’ discussion) covering themes relating to breast milk.
Dr Claude Billeaud MD MSc
PhD neonatology & Nutrition
Président de l’AEEP/EAPE)
Honorary Professor of Paediatrics Valencia University, Spain
President of AEEP University of Bordeaux, France
Vice-President France
Secretary General France
Treasurer University of Bordeaux, France
Neonatology & Director of Paris Lactarium
Board of AEEP
The Necker – Enfants Malades Hospital, France
Professor University of Bordeaux - INSPE / Academy of Bordeaux, France
Board of AEEP Semmelweis University, Hungary
Associate Professor Past Director, Cofounder President Cameroon, Society of Perinatal Medicine, Cameroon
Professor UNIPOPU, France
Doctor Lactarium de Bordeaux, CHU Bordeaux, France
Professor CHUV Lausanne - Switzerland
Doctor France
Professor Gulbali Institute, Australia
Doctor Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, INRAE, France
Professor ITERG, Canejan, France
Doctor Pécs University, Hungary
Professor Checkerspot Inc, Alameda, CA, USA
Professor Iinstitut Agro Bordeaux, France
Doctor Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, INRAE, France
Professor CEA France
Professor INSA, University of Barcelona, Spain
Doctor INRAE-INSERM- University of Rennes, France
Professor General Secretary of EMBA, Italy
Doctor Universitéy of d'Orléans, France
Doctor INRAE, UMR IATE, France
Professor Universität Osnabrück, Germany
Doctor King's College London, UK
Professor Swansea University, UK
Doctor IBCLC, formerly Infant Feeding Lead, Neonatal Unit, Luton and Dunstable University Hospital NHS Trust, UK
Doctor Nsambya Hospital, Kampala, Uganda